Friends of Galilee Medical Center works to advance medical services to the area's approximately 570,000 residents.
The organization assists the Medical Center in development and in the acquisition of advanced medical equipment. Our hundreds of members are volunteers of all faiths, living in diverse communities of the region.
The organization was established in the 1960s as a not-for- profit organization to assist the hospital in providing the highest level of health care for all residents of the Western Galilee.
The Friends partners with the Medical Center in project financing, construction and development, purchase of advanced medical equipment and professional literature. In addition, it hosts regular regional events and lectures open to the public. This cooperative association strengthens ties with the Western Galilee communities served by the hospital.
The fabric of the Western Galilee community is a vibrantly woven tapestry and includes a variety of ethnic groups and faiths: Jews, Christians, Muslims, Druze and Circassians. The organization works actively to promote the welfare of all residents, providing a living example of cooperation and peaceful coexistence.
The Friends organization seeks to ensure the future of Galilee Medical Center as a leading medical institution, serving the entire population of northern Israel. Our organization operates in accordance with the guidelines of the Israel Nonprofit Registrar. All audits and inspections by this body have shown the organization's responsible handling of donations, full transparency, and exceptionally low operational costs.
We invite you to join the Friends of Galilee Medical Center to help us in our efforts to support and promote the hospital, thereby strengthening the community of the northern border and the Galilee. With your help we can truly impact lives in Israel.