The Neurosurgery Department
The Neurosurgery Department offers solutions for the entire range of neurosurgical conditions such as benign and malignant tumors of the head and spine, blood vessel deformities, head injuries and degenerative diseases of the spinal cord.
Galilee Medical Center established the Neurosurgery Department at the beginning of 2013 to bring a wider and more accessible range of medical services to the residents of northern Israel. In this framework, Galilee Medical Center has been at the forefront of the medical network serving the area. Although our department treats patients from all over Israel, its focus is, primarily, on the population of the northern part of Israel.
The department is located in the surgical wing and includes a hospitalization unit and an intensive care unit equipped with the most advanced technologies and staffed by a specially trained team that performs surgeries of the brain, the base of the skull and of the spine with sophisticated equipment such as neuronavigation. These innovative technologies allow the team to perform endoscopic and non-invasive operations and to image and to diagnose during surgery by use of a supersonic brain scanner.
The senior staff has trained for many years at leading medical institutions in Israel and abroad, and has extensive experience. The department is committed to providing individualized and empathetic care to its patients, a vision which has long guided its physicians and the entire Galilee Medical Center.