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The Department of Anesthesia and Operating Rooms

The Department of Anesthesia and Operating Rooms is an integral branch of the Galilee Medical Center since it was established.

The three major goals of our department are:

  • Treating patients before, during and after surgery or procedures accompanied by pain.
  • Training and mentoring resident physicians according to a structured plan.
  • The advancement of medical research.

Every year, there are approximately 16,000 operations, half of which are urgent. In addition, there are about 14,000 ambulatory surgeries.

The department cares for patients from the following disciplines: general surgery, pediatrics, orthopedics, urology, thoracic surgery, gynecology, ear, nose and throat, eyes, plastic, spinal cord and blood vessel surgery. The department also plays a unique role in the field of obstetrics.
The department of anesthesia and operating rooms treats patients within the framework of the dental clinic, the gastroenterology institute, the invasive imagery unit and a wide range of other activities when patients are in need of sedation, pain relief or invasive procedures. The expert professional team is trained in all the advanced techniques recognized in the field today.  

זימון תורים

Reception hours and operating days


טלפון: 04-9107732
פקס: 04-9107170
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