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Training Centers




The Engel Center

The Engel Health Education Center features a 300-seat auditorium, lecture halls that seat 25, 70 and 100 people that serve as conference rooms, seminar rooms, a computerized library and computer room.

The Education Center runs 5 to 6 events each year, including:

-         National and International Conferences, training for medical students from Israel and overseas in various specialties.

-         Preparation meetings for outside groups, such as:  the Police, IDF, education and medical systems.

-         Psychometric courses and introductory courses in the field of social and behavioral sciences.

-         Childbirth preparation classes


Hours of Operation

Sundays to Thursdays from 8:00 to 16:00

Fridays from 8:00 to 11:00

Tel:  04-910747


Director of the Engel Center:  Ms. Bat-sheva Oved - [email protected]


I.     National and International Conferences:

1.    Morbidity and Medicine During the Holocaust

2.   International Nephrology

3.   Northern region - Gynecology

4.   The Israel Spine Association

5.   Quality

6.   Research

7.    YA'AL (Yad Ezer L'choleh - Helping hand to the patient)

8.   Hospital Friends’ Society

9.   International - pediatric orthopedics - one day  of practical workshop and one day conference with the participation of sponsoring companies


II. Community Seminars

1.    Annual seminar for the genetics division

2.   Atopic dermatitis (Skin disease).

3.   Western Galilee College - Health Systems Administration Students and overseas students.

4.   Women’s Health Division

5.   Stroke

6.   Medical clowning for hospital staff

7.    Health and active lifestyle for senior citizens

8.   National - Internal Medicine Departments


III.      Courses

1.    Introductory courses - nursing

2.   Self Defense - Security Department

3.   Educational Bonus - Study Fund - Administration & Housekeeping, Nursing, Paramedical

4.   Magen David Adom - Medical cadets

5.   Nursing Update - Internal Medicine Division

6.   Nursing Update - Surgical Division

7.    BLS - Resuscitation

8.   ACLS - Resuscitation

9.   PALS - Resuscitation

10.   NRP - Resuscitation

11.    Breastfeeding - for registered nurses

12.    Natural childbirth for certified midwives

13.    National - For O.R. nurses - Splints in Orthopedic Surgery for Fractures

14.    OTC

15.    Improving service provided to the physicians and nurses in the surgical and internal medicine divisions.


IV.        Workshops/Seminars/Study Fund

1.      Civil Guard

2.      Shift Managers - for Registered Nurses

3.      Unskilled employees - Nursing

4.      Oncology volunteers

5.      Sterile Supply employees

6.      New Employees

7.      National Service volunteers from all sectors and organizations.

8.      Family Therapists - Child Guidance.

9.      Lectures for Ofek and Shakim School’s students studying medicine.

10.      Seminars for Kupat Holim Leumit doctors, pediatricians and family doctors, twice a month on Wednesdays until July.

11.       Pediatrics Division, every Monday.

12.      Hospital faculty meeting every other Tuesday.

13.      Every Monday:  Medical Faculty- Staff meeting


V.   Conferences:  National and International

1.         Morbidity and Medicine During the Holocaust

2.        International Nephrology

3.        Northern region - Gynecology

4.        The Israel Spine Association

5.        Quality

6.        Research

7.         YA'AL (Yad Ezer L'choleh - Helping hand to the patient)

8.        Hospital Friends’ Society

9.        International - pediatric orthopedics - one day  of practical workshop and one day conference with the participation of sponsoring companies


VI.       Seminars for the Community

1.    Annual seminar for the genetics division

2.   Atopic dermatitis (Skin disease).

3.   Western Galilee College - Health Systems Administration Students and overseas students.

4.   Women’s Health Division

5.   Stroke

6.   Medical clowning for hospital staff

7.    Health and active lifestyle for senior citizens

8.   National - Internal Medicine Departments


VII.   Courses

1.    Introductory courses - nursing

2.   Self Defense - Security Department

3.   Educational Bonus - Study Fund - Administration & Housekeeping, Nursing, Paramedical

4.   Magen David Adom - Medical cadets

5.   Nursing Update - Internal Medicine Division

6.   Nursing Update - Surgical Division

7.    BLS - Resuscitation

8.   ACLS - Resuscitation

9.   PALS - Resuscitation

10.   NRP - Resuscitation

11.    Breastfeeding - for registered nurses

12.    Natural childbirth for certified midwives

13.    National - For O.R. nurses - Splints in Orthopedic Surgery for Fractures

14.    OTC

15.    Improving service provided to the physicians and nurses in the surgical and internal medicine divisions.


VIII.    Workshops/Seminars/Study Fund

1.    Civil Guard

2.   Shift Managers - for Registered Nurses

3.   Unskilled employees - Nursing

4.   Oncology volunteers

5.   Sterile Supply employees

6.   New Employees

7.    National Service volunteers from all sectors and organizations.

8.   Family Therapists - Child Guidance.

9.   Lectures for Ofek and Shakim School’s students studying medicine.

10.   Seminars for Kupat Holim Leumit doctors, pediatricians and family doctors, twice a month on Wednesdays until July.

11.    Pediatrics Division, every Monday.

12.    Hospital faculty meeting every other Tuesday.

13.    Every Monday:  Medical Faculty- Staff meeting


XI.  National and International Conferences

1.    Morbidity and Medicine During the Holocaust

2.   International Nephrology

3.   Northern region - Gynecology

4.   The Israel Spine Association

5.   Quality

6.   Research

7.    YA'AL (Yad Ezer L'choleh - Helping hand to the patient)

8.   Hospital Friends’ Society

9.   International - pediatric orthopedics - one day  of practical workshop and one day conference with the participation of sponsoring companies


X   Community Seminars

1.    Annual seminar for the genetics division

2.   Atopic dermatitis (Skin disease).

3.   Western Galilee College - Health Systems Administration Students and overseas students.

4.   Women’s Health Division

5.   Stroke

6.   Medical clowning for hospital staff

7.    Health and active lifestyle for senior citizens

8.   National - Internal Medicine Departments


XI. Courses

1.      Introductory courses - nursing

2.   Self Defense - Security Department

3.   Educational Bonus - Study Fund - Administration & Housekeeping, Nursing, Paramedical

4.   Magen David Adom - Medical cadets

5.   Nursing Update - Internal Medicine Division

6.   Nursing Update - Surgical Division

7.    BLS - Resuscitation

8.   ACLS - Resuscitation

9.   PALS - Resuscitation

10.   NRP - Resuscitation

11.    Breastfeeding - for registered nurses

12.    Natural childbirth for certified midwives

13.    National - For O.R. nurses - Splints in Orthopedic Surgery for Fractures

14.    OTC

15.    Improving service provided to the physicians and nurses in the surgical and internal medicine divisions.


XII. Workshops/Seminars/Study Fund

1.    Civil Guard

2.   Shift Managers - for Registered Nurses

3.   Unskilled employees - Nursing

4.   Oncology volunteers

5.   Sterile Supply employees

6.   New Employees

7.    National Service volunteers from all sectors and organizations.

8.   Family Therapists - Child Guidance.

9.   Lectures for Ofek and Shakim School’s students studying medicine.

10.   Seminars for Kupat Holim Leumit doctors, pediatricians and family doctors, twice a month on Wednesdays until July.

11.    Pediatrics Division, every Monday.

12.    Hospital faculty meeting every other Tuesday.

13.    Every Monday:  Medical Faculty- Staff meeting


XIII.  Forums

1.    The Israeli Physiotherapy Society - North

2.   National Personnel Managers

3.   Internal Medicine Division - Last Tuesday of the month.

4.   Research - Wednesdays - once a month.


XIV. Training

1.    Fire Fighting

2.   Students from various departments

3.   Rescue from elevators - Safety


XV. Courses for Hospital Customers

1.    Childbirth classes for pregnant women and their partners.

2.   Family - First Steps - For couples following the birth of a child.



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